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Sandblasting Mirror Lights

Follow this list as close as possible to the order they are in.

  1. Check the mirrors’ size and compare them to the drawing and the Purchase order
  2. Clean the face side of the mirror with Windex to locate any defects in the glass before moving forward
  3. Check the location of area to be sand blasted on the drawings match how the sub structure for the light is assembled
  4. LIGHTLY mark the very outside points of the area to be sandblasting with a Fine tip Sharpie
  5. Connect you marking with a long straight edge and a fine tip sharpie
  6. With GREEN PAINTERS TAPE, tape along the fine sharpie lines making sure that the tape is straight
  7. Press tape down firmly to prevent the sand from going under the tape while blasting
  8. Repeat previous step to add a second layer of tape for more protection on the area that will not be blasted
  9. Add another wider strip of tape around the previous strips to protect the area close to what will be blasted
  10. Cut a flat piece of cardboard to cover the remaining exposed mirror
  11. Tape cardboard around edges to prevent any movement
  12. Set up area in second bay closest to the bay door with full 4x8 sheets of cardboard as walls to prevent the sandblasting material from blowing everywhere
  13. Drape a sheet of plastic Polly over an area to support the mirror and aid in collecting and reusing the blasted sand
  14. Prop up the mirror to be blasted at an angle so that the sand falls to the floor
  15. If using new sand, fill the sandblaster hopper with sand
  16. If using reused sand (poor sand through the mess filter to filter out any large impurities that will clog the sand blaster, anything the filter doesn’t catch will be too small to clog the gun)
  17. Start blasting in on corner of the area you are working on
  18. As the mirror backing is removed you can follow the edge of the material as it is removed, this will make it easier to stay consistent with the amount of sandblasting in done in any certain area
  19. Fill hopper with new sand or old filtered sand if hopper is empty
  20. Once finished move mirror to a bench with foam or a spread-out blanket
  21. Blow off remained of the sand before laying the mirror face down on protected surface
  22. Inspect the blasted areas for quality and consistency of the blasting
  23. Remove all tape and blow off back of mirror
  24. Once all the larger particles of sand are blown off wipe down the backside with Windex
  25. Flip mirror over and inspect that there are no scratched on the face side of the mirrors