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Standup Meetings

Why do we need standup meetings?​

As an organization we have many people working in different parts of the lower mainland. This distance creates a greater need for communication, these "Standup Meetings" will give everyone a chance to let the Team know what they are working on. These meetings are also a great opporunity to help eachother solve problems, we all have different experiences and tapping into that greater knowledge pool is the goal for these meetings.

What is a standup meeting?​

A per project, 15 minute meeting to plan the next 24 hours. Each person takes their turn answering the three daily questions.

  1. What did you do yesterday?
  2. What will you do today?
  3. Is there anything blocking your progress?

This meeting should not exceed the 9 person maximum.


The expectation is that each person in the meeting will:

  • Listen to each other
  • Provide needed feedback for each contributors "blockers".
  • Come prepared with their answers to the three questions.
  • Not engage in unnecessary dailogue about specific technical issues


This gets the team on the same page. Individuals will discover:

  • What still needs to be completed?
  • What has changed based on yesterdays results?
  • A clearer picture of how things fit into the overall schedule

The role of the facilitator​

Each Standup should have a designated facilitator, this person can be a product owner, an individual contributor or the president of the company. Who ever it may be, their job is to keep the meeting pithy and on track. A bad standup can lead to costly problems further down the road.


If a conversation is becoming too in depth, it risks putting the Stand up off track. These conversations can be "Side barred" for another meeting.

Different types of Standups:​

1.Round Robin​

One person answers the three questions, an then the next person in line answers and so on, untill everyone has contributed.

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2.Walking the board​

The team walks through all of the work items on a task board (Kanban Board/Planner) starting with the items that are closest to "Done".