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How to Submit a Document

How do I submit a document for the website?​

If you have an idea for a document that you would like displayed on the website feel free to reach out to Cameron and run it by him. Wether it is a "Role" or an "SOP" or a type of document that we don't currently have, we are always open to suggestions.

After the conversation you will most likely be asked to write up a preliminary document outlining the information that you want expressed on the site.

Where does it go?

It is helpful to add where on the site you think the document belongs as well.

EG: SOPs > Production > Sanding

This will make adding the document to the site much faster.

I have a document. I just need it to display on the site.​

If you have already written something and you would like to submit it to the site.

  1. Create a Task in the General Plan.
  2. Add it under the "SOP's to Make" bucket (even if it is not an SOP)
  3. Link the Document you have created
  4. Assign the Task to Shelby and Cameron

We will update the task or ask you for any necessary information once we have started the task.

Handling Images​

Images are a very helpful tool to communicate information, especially in our industry.

Because we use Markdown it is actually more helpful to submit your images as ".jpg" files or if the image is a link from the internet just give us the full url and we can add it to the page.


If you want to go the extra mile you can submit the image links in Markdown format.
